Do you feel like Facebook is Big Brother? To me, they feel like a casino. You can never beat the house.
It seems just as your are finding your niche and getting Facebook marketing working for you, they find the loophole and change, clamping down and get the odds back in their favour.
Remember the good old days where you could post to your wall and all of your followers saw your message? Now it feels like nobody is getting your love. Unless of course you pay the ever increasing amount of money to play the Facebook sucker bet post boosting.
As for the 20% text rule that bans your advertising art if it says anything, I mean seriously, c'mon Mark, lighten up.
The good news is there is a better way, and you can beat the Facebook casino in a way that is legal and even promoted by them.
The Kingdom is currently running a campaign inviting people to our free HubSpot™ seminars during the month of June in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.
By using Facebook Audience Remarketing, we have got our Facebook advertising down to 18c per click. - Adam Steinhardt, CEO
For those that use Google AdWords for your lead generation, you would know 18c is remarkably cheap. As a determined digital marketing agency, when managing Google AdWords, we usually work of $1 a click as a benchmark. Any higher and we need to try harder. Lower is a win.
Many people already know that the secret to successful advertising is repetition and trust. Pixel tracking creates an audience that you can remarket to on Facebook. This audience is made up of only those people that have been to your website, and Facebook then lets you market your message just to this audience. A small sample set, of just your web visitors.
With the audience small, cutting out the noise means you get really high repetition stats. With high repetition and trust, this is when advertising works. The click flow in and the cost per click is low.
If you have a trusted website where you are helping people answer their questions, then they are more likely to click on your ads. If this seems complicated, fear not, simply drop us a line or email us and we will help you get it working.
As a digital marketing agency, we are always looking to maximise your sales. We are on a never-ending quest for the perfect advertising arbitrage play. This is where the cost of customer acquisition it far cheaper than the value of the deal. Facebook pixel tracking is that arbitrage play that is beating the Facebook casino.