Facebook is now widely used for businesses to advertise their services on a social platform.
Being able to show your customers what you offer through social media shows more of a personalised side of your business. Whether you offer services or products, connecting with more customers through social media is a step in the right direction for your business.
If you have an e-commerce website, Facebook can be extremely beneficial. The beauty of it is being able to link your followers back to your website so they are able to purchase the products you are posting about. If you don't have an e-commerce website, you should still always include a link back to your website. Take your followers to apage with a call to action where they can download an e-book, subsucribe to your newsletter or look to book a time to meet with you.
Facebook can also be used as another search engine resource. If a user is after opening times of a restaurant, for example, they can search your business name through Facebook. It's much easier to navigate this information quickly as the information is always in the same place.
What could you do to ensure your Facebook business page brings new leads to your website? There are a few things you can do to make sure your customers see your posts, and that new customers can find you easily.
Use relevant hashtags – that's right, Facebook jumped onto the hashtag wagon about 2 years ago! When your customers type a hashtag into the search bar, they are able to view every post that topic has been mentioned in. The default list shows pages relating to that search, related news, and posts from your friends, your liked pages and the public.
Imagine your customer's buyers journey and how they would conduct a search. If your business sells dog treats, make sure you include relevant hashtags at the end of your post. For example, you could hashtag #dog #pet #treats #dogtreats #animaltreats. Using hashtags can help customers find you, even if they aren't looking for you!
Are you including links in your posts that take your customers back to your website? If you're not getting as much traffic as you'd like, you should make sure your posts include direct links to your website, or to the products or services you're posting about. Remember, the point of social media for your business is to engage with your customers on a different platform, connect with new customers and to always bring them back to your website.
To stay relevant on social media, you must post frequently. Discover the optimal posting times for your business and know when the best time your business should post. It shows a graph which indicates:
17% of all comments occur on Fridays. [Social Media Examiner]
Want to reach more people? Facebook has a system where you can pay to boost posts. The Ads Manager then allows you to target your posts to a region or age demographic and lets you nominate a budget that you are comfortable with. You can also use pixel tracking through Facebook Ads Manager.
Pixels signify the completion of a specific goal. They're added to certain pages, like landing pages or checkout pages. You can learn more about pixel tracking in our eBook, "Social Media for Your Business."
With these combined tips, you can understand how to optimise your reach, reach new customers, and connect with your current customers.
Want to learn more about how social media can help your business? Our free eBook, "Social Media for Your Business" will give you more helpful tips. Download the eBook now, or check out some other blogs on how you can use Facebook for business.
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