The Kingdom Live HubSpot Blog

Why Is A Landing Page So Important For Website Marketing?

Written by Adam Steinhardt | 28-Jul-2016 11:29:18

What is a landing page on a website and why is it so important?

Every website usually has at least one landing page – your contact us page. But did you know that your business website should have a minimum of 10? Why should you have so many landing pages on your website?

Zaahn Johnson and Adam Steinhardt of The Kingdom ponder this question and discover that landing pages are the key to converting inbound sales prospects.


Your email marketing campaigns are critical to growing sales. This means that programs like MailChimp and the HubSpot CRM love a boost in email supply. So how do you use your website design to increase your email marketing list?

Your landing pages are critical to gaining new email addresses. Design and promote your landing pages to convert visitors into leads.

In our role as an inbound marketing agency, we have our Adelaide-based copywriting team work hard to create premium content for our web visitors.

Premium content is content marketing that a visitor is willing to submit a form in exchange for a valuable piece of content.

Smart landing pages will aid both you and your prospect by providing a fair exchange that builds trust. This is the key to inbound marketing.

By using programs like HubSpot, you can measure the ROI of your landing pages.

Marketers in APAC who measured marketing analytics 2+ times per week were twice as more likely to achieve greater ROI.

If you use Growth Driven Design principles to improve your website, then you want always to tweak your landing pages, based on the analytics that HubSpot provides.

Watch the video above and find out more about why landing pages are so important to your digital marketing. 

We help busy marketing professionals build HubSpot websites with continuous improvement to get value and growth from their technology investment. Find out what HubSpot is used for and make a difference to your sales and marketing

Discover More:

An Introduction to Growth Driven Design

What is Inbound Marketing?

How Can An Outsourced Marketing Can Help My Business?