Is your website a digital business card no different from another boring entry in the white pages? Is your website to the web what Betty Draper is to Motherhood? Take this super quick nine-point test to determine if your website is nothing more than a digital business card or if it is an explosive, sales making machine.
We spoke with The Kingdom inbound marketing experts to discover the key questions your website needs to address.
And the big one, does your website work on mobile devices? Google is currently smashing you for six if not. You are being marked down. Time to get modern.
Ten out of ten, well done. You are on fire and well on the way to big sales.
Anything less that 7 and you have a serious problem competing in the global internet economy. You are leaving yourself exposed to up and coming dynamic competitors.
Your website is the doorway to the internet world. Make sure you have it working for you.
A dedicated Inbound marketing program can fix many of your problems. Content marketing boosts your Google search engine ranking by providing intelligent, appropriate keywords for its indexing engines.
Here are 8 ideas you can steal from our record website growth since moving to a content marketing strategy.
A responsive website design is critical in today's digital era. You must get this fixed if you wish to play in the e-commerce world.
Check out our 25 Website Must Haves Ebook.
Blogging is a great way to tell the story about your business. Our social media experts are blogging on a regular basis, boosting SEO daily. We love the power of Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Instagram to distribute the message of your blog. HubSpot does all this and is an awesome tool to make your website boom.
Our social media expert Zaahn Johnson loves using the HubSpot™ platform.
HubSpot is the all in one power tool to manage your website, blogging, email marketing, CRM and importantly generate juicy leads using lead scoring and lead nurturing. - Zaahn.
The HubSpot automated marketing program is a perfect tool to get all these digital elements working for you.