Featured on HubCast Episode 78

We are HubSpot specialists. It is our job to keep ahead of the game, which can be tough given the speed of the Marketing-Technology innovation rate.

The Kingdom Pricing

HubSpot, in particular, have so much innovation and change going on as they continue to be a growing NASDAQ listed company. 

So, how do we keep up?

It's podcasting, and the one of the best HubSpot publications is the HubCast.

Hosted by Marcus Sheridan and George B Thomas of The Sales Lion, these guys are totally the innovators and leaders of the content marketing and inbound world.

Well produced, The #HubCast has some of the best show notes of any podcast on the internet.

Our team all listen to it to keep up to date with the latest news, tips and tricks in the HubSpot world.

On January 22, 2016, The Kingdom were thrilled to be featured by Marcus and George. We appreciate their support and their tremendous effort to change the world. George's shownotes said:


Their menu on the website is on like donkey kong bro

The HubCast is totally worth subscribing to. It's an outstanding podcast. Thanks Marcus and George!


Listen to The Kingdom featured on The HubCast January 22, 2016